Population genomic consequences of whole genome duplication in plants

Project annotation:
Whole genome duplication (WGD, polyploidization) is a dramatic genome-wide mutation whose ubiquity across eukaryotes suggests an adaptive benefit, although the underlying mechanism remains unknown. In the project, the successful applicant will test the hypothesis that WGD promotes formation and/or later accumulation of structural changes in a genome (gene duplications, inversions, repetitive DNA proliferation), potentially providing adaptive benefits when facing novel environmental challenges.
The project will build on our research in Arabidopsis arenosa that demonstrated that WGD can increase the capacity of its natural populations to accumulate adaptive variation, but the candidate will extend well-beyond this system to additional species to discern the generality of initial findings from the A. arenosa system. The core work will focus on analysis of population genomic data from field surveys of ploidy-variable systems (diploid-autotetraploid), providing replicates of the WGD process in natural conditions. The project will integrate state-of-the art long-read sequencing approaches (PacBio, Oxford Nanopore) with available short read database including ~1000 genomes of outcrossing Arabidopsis species in order to comprehensively assess the landscape of structural variants in the target species. There will be possibility to expand to analyses of variation in experimental populations involving newly synthesized polyploids. General conclusions will be drawn taking advantage from replicated ploidy-variable plant species, which are partly already sampled and sequenced. Alongside the head - start with available data, the candidate is expected to be fully involved in the overall project design and lead the analytical part of the project. Student (co-) supervison and lecturing at the faculty is not required but supported as well as the development of further independent self-funded research projects.
This project will involve close collaboration with other labs focused on ecological and evolutionary genomics of polyploidy, Levi Yant (University of Nottingham, UK) and Christian Parisod (University of Bern, Switzerland). For overall info on the Starting ERC project DOUBLE ADAPT see https://botany.natur.cuni.cz/ecolgen/node/48.

Eliglibility criteria:

  • non Czech citizen
  • graduated PhD (exceptionally non graduated accepted, graduation till October 2020)
  • less than 5 years from PhD graduation
  • The successful candidate will join the team of Ecological Genomics lead by Filip Kolář

Selection process:
Selection will be based on the relevance of candidates’ professional interests and experience, and excellence in research achievements.

Position duration, starting date and remuneration:
The position duration is 24 months, starting on January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2023. Standard gross monthly salary is approx. 2 400 € including health insurance and social insurance coverage. The job status is full-time - 40 hours per week.

Required application materials:

How to submit materials:
Please send email with the required application materials to the project supervisor:
Filip Kolář
Ecological Genomics
Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences
+420 221 95 1645

Application deadline:
The application deadline is July 20, 2020. Succesfull candidates will be informed by October 10, 2020.

Deadline is closed

Don’t hesitate, submit an application now!

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